See here to find the latest information about the Club.
The gym is closed on Monday 17th February so we can't play.
Instead, we shall play from 17:30 until 19:30 on Thursday 20Feb2025.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 11Feb2025.
Similarly to last year, the gym will be used for mock exams on 27Jan2025 and 3Feb2025 and we shall have only one court available on those days. We have that court from 17:30 until 21:30.
So as to make best use of the court and to minimise non-playing time, we need to schedule and ration the hours available. We propose to ration members to 2 hours play on one of two sessions (17:30 to 19:30 and 19:30 to 21:30). These allocations are:
27Jan2025, 17:30 to 19:30
27Jan2025, 19:30 to 21:30
3Feb2025, 17:30 to 19:30
3Feb2025, 19:30 to 21:30
Written by Gordon Kirk on 16 January 2025.
The John Masefield gym will be closed over Christmas so our last game will be on 16 December. We start again on 6 January.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 6 December 2024.
The title says it all. The school needs the hall.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 17 October 2024.
we propose to hold this year's AGM on 2nd September 2024 at 8pm.
We'll suspend play for the AGM.
The agenda will be:
Written by Gordon Kirk on 20 August 2024.
JMHS has decided they can't provide us with the single court as envisaged, so there will be no Monday play in May or June until 24Jun2024. On that day, normal play resumes. Unfortunately.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 11 May 2024.
See the previous posting below.
We propose to ration members to 2 hours per session (but more if possible).
We shall attempt to limit the number of allocated players to 7 at any time.
Members will be allocated a specified period (of 2 hours or more) when they may play.
If you wish to play on any of these days, please say for each day the time period during which you would prefer to play.
If, when I have responses, the schedule is not good, we may need to go round this loop again.
People who don't respond will not be able to play.
To make it easier for you, we are taking bookings for 13th and 20th May until 9May2024 16:00,
and for 3rd, 10th, and 17th June until 30May2024 16:00.
So, you can book all now if you want to.
I might be able to post a provisional schedule sooner so watch this space.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 27 April 2024.
JMHS say that the gym will unavailable in whole or in part for much of May and June:
So as to make best use of the court and to minimise non-playing time, I propose we do what we've done in the past and
schedule and ration the hours available.
I'll send out another message nearer the time asking for your preferences.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 18 April 2024.
See the posting below for details.
The revised schedules for both days are the same.
There are two time slots: 5:30 to 7:30, and 7:30 to 9:30.
The first slot (5:30 to 7:30) is for
The second (7:30 to 9:30) is for
If you've not already booked, please get in touch with me before turning up as we are somewhat over-booked.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 8Jan2024.
Like last year, the gym will be used for mock exams on 22Jan2024 and 29Jan2024 and we shall have only one court available on those days.
We have that court from 17:30 until 21:30.
So as to make best use of the court and to minimise non-playing time, we need to schedule and ration the hours available.
We propose to ration members to 1.5 hours per session (but more if possible).
We shall attempt to limit the number of allocated players to 7 at any time.
Members will be allocated a specified period (of 1.5 hours or more) when they may play.
If you wish to play on either or both of these days, please say for each day the time period during which you would prefer to play.
If, when I have responses, the schedule is not good, we may need to go round this loop again.
People who don't respond will not be able to play.
Please respond by Friday 5Jan2024 18:00.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 1Jan2024.
There will be no badminton on 25th December 2023 and 1st January 2024.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 26Nov2023.
This new scheme for subscriptions was agreed at the AGM today.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 4Sep2023.
we propose to hold this year's AGM on 4th September 2023 at 8pm.
We'll suspend play for the AGM.
The agenda will be:
Written by Gordon Kirk on 15Aug2023.
Things have changed: we are able to play next Monday - 26 June (6:30 to 9:00pm).
Written by Gordon Kirk on 22Jun2023.
Over the next three months, we are closed more than we are open. The dates for thr exams are subject to confirmation; I will update this only if those dates change.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 28Mar2023.
See the posting below for details.
The revised schedules for both days are the same.
There are three time slots: 5:30 to 7:00, 7:00 to 7:30, and 7:30 to 9:00.
The first slot (5:30 to 7:00) is for
The second slot (7:00 to 7:30) is an overlap and anyone may stay late or arrive early.
The third (7:30 to 9:00) is for
Written by Gordon Kirk on 5Feb2023.
On these two days, we have only one court available, and that between 5:30 and 9:00. This is because the school needs the gym for mock GCSEs.
To avoid congestion, and to make best use of the single court, we have scheduled attendance as shown below.
This is based on the stated preferences of those who responded to my emails. If other people wish to play, email me and I will try and adjust the schedule. Please do not just turn up willy nilly and expect to play.
The schedules for both days are the same.
There are three time slots: 5:30 to 7:00, 7:00 to 7:30, and 7:30 to 9:00.
The first slot (5:30 to 7:00) is for
The second slot (7:00 to 7:30) is an overlap and anyone may stay late or arrive early.
The third (7:30 to 9:00) is for
Written by Gordon Kirk on 3Feb2023.
The gym will be closed on 26th December and 2nd January.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 21Nov2022.
There will be no play on 31Oct2022 as the school needs the gym for mock exams.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 12Oct2022.
There will be no play on 19Sep2022 as this day has been declared to be a public holiday.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 14Sep2022.
We recently had an email vote on the form to be taken by the coming year's subscriptions. The vote was for one of two options. Briefly, these were:
Currently playing, paid-up members were invited to vote.
Turn-out was 22% and the result was 7.5 for Option 1 and 4.5 for Option 2.
Accordingly, we shall continue as we are.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 31Aug2022.
The AGM for the 2022-23 year will be held at 8pm on 3rd October 2022.
It should be only a short meeting and shouldn't disrupt play much.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 24Aug2022.
The previously planned arrangements for 6Jun2022, 13Jun2022, and 20Jun2022 are now cancelled. We shall not be able to play on those days. I have sent an explanatory email.
The next day on which we can play is 27Jun2022 with normal hours.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 2Jun2022.
The following shows the allocation of members to times on 6Jun2022, 13Jun2022, and 20Jun2022.
Session 1 17:30-19:30
Session 2 19:30-21:30
Written by Gordon Kirk on 31May2022; updated 2Jun2022.
There will be no badminton club on 2nd May as it's a bank holiday.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 26Apr2022.
There will be no badminton club on 28th February as the gym is required by the school for examinations.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 9Feb2022.
Please note that our current playing hours are:
That amounts to 5 or 6 court-hours each Monday on two or three courts.
We have a firm booking on two courts; we will book the third court ad hoc if it's available. In short, we will tune our use of the third court to the demand on the night.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 7Dec2021.
Our last day of play in 2021 will be 20th December. We start 2022 on Monday 10th January.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 24Nov2021, updated 7Dec2021.
Please note that our current booked playing hours are:
That amounts to 5.5 court-hours each Monday on three courts.
If we find that we need more or fewer hours we can change them.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 14Sep2021.
we've decided to hold the AGM on the following Monday (ie: 13Sep2021).
All other details as before.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 31Aug2021.
We propose to hold this year's AGM on 6th September 2021 at 8pm.
We'll suspend play for the AGM.
The agenda will be:
Written by Gordon Kirk on 24Aug2021.
From tonight, play is from 6:30 until 9:00pm.
We shall have only one court for the first half hour and then two courts. If we need another court and it's available we can have have that too.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 19Jul2021.
We are able to restart playing badminton on 17May2021 (next Monday).
For the next five weeks at least, this will be subject to the rules that applied last autumn, so you need to email me in advance if you want to play. After that, I hope we shall be able to play as normal.
Play will be from 7pm until 9pm.
We are now being charged more so we have to raise subs. Short-term, the charge will be £5 a week. When we see better what our membership count is we can decide new fees at the AGM.
Payment will continue to be via your account; don't bring cash. Most people are in credit; I'll let you know when you need to top up your account. If you need a statement, just ask.
Looking forward to seeing you again on Monday. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 11May2021.
We should be able to play badminton again as determined by the Government's time plan as follows.
JMHS have increased their charges to us by 18%, so we have to increase our subs. Play will now cost £5 instead of £4.
When it's clearer whether social distancing will be re-applied or not we can decide what to do about charges (eg: whether to continue as now or whether to go back to the old ways). I suggest we do this in September if we can. In the meantime we shall continue with the charging system we used last autumn (but with £5 instead of £4).
Written by Gordon Kirk on 18Mar2021.
Sadly, there will be no LBC badminton until further notice; this will be 7 December at the earliest. Check this page for news.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 1Nov2020, updated 3Nov2020.
The school needs the gym for exams; we have cancelled the Club's session for this day.
Written by Gordon Kirk on 25Oct2020.
The gym will be open again tonight so we can play.
Play will be according to the Covid-19 Guidelines.
Written by Gordon Kirk.
There will be no play on Monday 14Sep2020 because of the lack of clarity in HMG's recently revised lockdown rules.
To quote the email from JMSport:
"We have reached the decision that it would be prudent to close the centre for one week until we are clear on the mitigations required to enable recreational sport to continue at JMSport";
and further:
"The closure week will give us the necessary time to determine which sports are permitted to play and to give clubs time to complete the Risk Assessment documents previously issued by JMSport".
I'll post more here when there is more known.
Written by Gordon Kirk.